Photo: Gregory Hejnar
Birds Galore on Early Spring Outings
First spring outings yield early migrants, in-coming summer birds, and year-round residents.
Thorn Creek Audubon Awards Grants to Two Local Projects
Volunteer projects will expand wildlife habitats with native plants on two school campuses.
TCAS Contributes to Land Acquisition for New Refuge
We are pleased to announce we have contributed $500 toward purchasing more property for the new Kankakee National Wildlife Refuge and Conservation Area - Illinois.
October Bird Walk Fun
Seasoned and beginning birders convened for October bird walks at Homewood Izaak Walton Preserve, Goodenow Grove/Plum Creek Nature Center, and Wampum Lake.
Expanded Program for Local Grant Applications
We are pleased to announce the Board has adopted an expanded approach for considering Environmental Grant applications.
First Two Fall Bird Walks Tally 56 and 39 Species
Birders on recent bird walks enjoyed gorgeous weather and a great variety of birds at Helmick Nature Preserve and Little Red Schoolhouse Nature Center. Check the Events page for upcoming walks.
Thorn Creek Audubon Accepting Applications for 2021 Local Grant Program
Thorn Creek Audubon is pleased to announce: We are accepting applications for the 2021 Thorn Creek Audubon Environmental Grant Program.
Native Plants Donated to Monee Reservoir Preserve
Over 200 plants were donated to Will County's Monee Reservoir preserve. The diverse plants will provide flowers for pollinators and hummingbirds and the preserve's native plant educational programs.
New Native Plant Community Garden Takes Root
The Neola Street Community Garden in Park Forest, Ill., has a new native plant garden for pollinators and birds. The expansion was supported by a Thorn Creek Audubon grant.
Spring Walks Wrap Up; Fall Planning Underway
A fun spring bird walk schedule wrapped up at Orland Grassland - South on May 29. We’re excited to be planning an expanded fall outings schedule and in-person evening programs.
Spring Bird Walk Schedule Kicks Off
We were delighted to be able to resume bird walks just in time for spring migration. Groups headed out on two bird hikes in April and three field trips are set for May.
Volunteer to Count Breeding Birds for BCN Project
The Bird Conservation Network and land managers are expanding a breeding birds monitoring program to additional sites. BCN is looking for birders to help launch the expansion with the June 2021 bird count survey.
2021 Yard Bird Competition - The Results
Birders in Will, Cook, and Lake (Ind) Counties kicked off the year watching birds at home in a friendly Thorn Creek Audubon yard bird count competition. The results...
Thorn Creek Audubon Awards Grants to Three Local Projects
The 2020 Grants will support Bartel Grassland improvements, the BCN breeding bird species data analysis, and the addition of native plantings at the Neola Street Community Garden (Park Forest)
Kick Off Your 2021 Birding with a Yard Bird Count Competition
To launch a new year of birding fun, Thorn Creek Audubon is inviting birders to participate in a friendly yard count competition on Jan 2 & 3.
TCAS Birders Enjoy Influx of Siskins and Other Northern Visitors
Thorn Creek Audubon birders share their recent sightings of Pine Siskins, Red-breasted Nuthatches, and Purple Finches.
Thorn Creek Audubon Accepting Applications for 2020 Local Grant Program
Thorn Creek Audubon is pleased to announce: We are accepting applications for the 2020 Thorn Creek Audubon Grant Program.
Thorn Creek Audubon Sponsors Annual Hummingbird Banding
You can watch a recording of this Forest Preserve District of Will County event online and learn about Ruby-throated Hummingbirds
2020 Native Plant Sale a Success Despite COVID
Thorn Creek Audubon members volunteer to safely deliver plants to customers in place of the usual plant pick-up day at Homewood Izaak Walton Preserve.
It’s Time to “Think Pollinators” Again
Smart gardeners know that it's the presence of pollinators that makes the difference in the health and fertility and productivity of wild plants, food plants, and landscape plants alike.
Photo: Eugene Rothgery