Thorn Creek Audubon Accepting Applications for 2020 Local Grant Program
Chimney swift tower - Homewood Izaak Walton Preserve
Thorn Creek Audubon is pleased to announce: We are accepting applications for the 2020 Thorn Creek Audubon Grant Program. Awards of up to $500 are available to local organizations for projects relating to environmental education, habitat restoration, or wildlife protection and management.
The TCAS Grants Program was established to support our mission: Promoting the enjoyment and appreciation of birds; educating adults and children concerning our natural environment; preserving, protecting, and restoring wildlife habitat; and creating awareness of local conservation issues.
Recent Grant Project Awards include bird sanctuary garden grant for Park Forest Library, chimney swift tower grant for Homewood Izaak Walton Preserve, environmental education program materials grant for Thorn Creek Nature Center, native plant garden grant for Homewood Science Center, and Park Forest Sustainability Program grant, which is providing School District 163 with classroom recycling and education.
At the completion of the project, or six months after the grant has been issued, the recipient is expected to submit a detailed written report to the Thorn Creek Audubon Board of Directors. Grant projects are highlighted on the Thorn Creek Audubon website and in news announcements to members.
The Grant Application is available on our website at: The deadline for the 2020 Grant Program is October 15, 2020.
The Grant Program and other chapter projects are supported by Thorn Creek Audubon member dues and contributions.
August 27, 2020