2021 Yard Bird Competition - The Results
Photo: David Gruver
Birders in Will, Cook, and Lake (Ind) Counties kicked off the year watching birds at home on January 2 & 3 in a friendly Thorn Creek Audubon yard bird count competition. The results…
Grand winner and prize recipient for most species seen:
Judith Wallace with 17 species in Monee (Will County)
Judith says they provide bird seed in feeders, and it’s a constant struggle to thwart the squirrels. In addition, they plant natives and don’t cut back seed heads, etc., so there is food and cover throughout the winter. They also build a few brush piles, which the birds love - especially the Carolina Wrens. And they put their Christmas tree outside after the holidays to provide shelter.
Highest number of a single species:
162 Canada Geese by Donald and Kay MacNeil in Frankfort
Other impressive numbers:
Sarah Hendrickson with 60 House Sparrows, 50 European Starlings, and 30 Cowbirds in Park Forest
Diane Hicks with 55 Cowbirds in Frankfort
Greg and Cathy DuBois with 43 House Sparrows in Joliet
Anne Rosen with 28 Wild Turkeys in Crete
Photo: Linda Hickey
Most total birds seen:
Donald and Kay MacNeil in Frankfort with 216. They were also delighted to have a black squirrel visit their yard.
Most owls seen or heard:
Judith Wallace in Monee with 2 Great-horned Owls
Most new yard birds:
Linda Hickey saw a Carolina Wren in her Glenwood yard for the first time.
Most species at Cook County yards:
Sarah Hendrickson in Park Forest with 14 species
Most species at Will County yards - Runner Up:
Greg and Cathy DuBois in Joliet with 15 species
Most species at Lake (Ind) County yards:
Doreen Gregori in Lowell with 9 species
Species seen by the most yard watchers:
House Finch, House Sparrow, Mourning Dove, Dark-eyed Junco, Northern Cardinal, and Downy Woodpecker.
Photos: Linda Hickey - Northern Cardinal, David Gruver - House Finch, Mourning Dove
January 16, 2021
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