Spring Birding Wraps Up with Grassland Outings
At Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie
Prairie and Shrubland Finds at Midewin
On May 22, birders explored the Hoff Rd Trailhead area at Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie. The group was pleased to find 40 species in the open prairie, shrubby areas, and mature trees.
Highlights: Black-billed Cuckoo, Vesper Sparrow, Orchard Oriole, Alder and Willow Flycatchers, Philadelphia and Red-eyed Vireos. Full eBird Checklist.
Spring Walks Finale at Orland Grassland South
With spring migration winding down, attention turned to looking for nesting grassland birds on May 29 at Orland Grassland South. A stiff wind kept many of the birds out of sight, but their singing and calls were clearly heard along the path. The group was able to tally 34 species for this final spring outing.
Highlights: Henslow's Sparrow, Dickcissel, Marsh Wren, Eastern Meadowlark, Sora, and a pair of American Kestrels perched side-by-side on a dead tree. Full eBird Checklist.
At Orland Grassland South
June 2, 2022