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Native Plant Sale and Pre-order Pick-up

Event Type: Native Plant Sale
Date: Saturday, May 21, 2022
Time: 9:00 am - 12 noon
Location: Homewood Izaak Walton Preserve
Address: 1100 W. Ridge Road, Homewood, IL Map

Check out the choices for wonderful native plant additions to your yard. The plants offered are all native to Illinois, chosen to thrive in this area and support pollinators and butterflies. The perennials, grasses, and trees/shrubs include a variety of plant types, colors, textures, and bloom times.

This event is held annually by Thorn Creek Audubon and Homewood Izaak Walton Preserve to raise funds for educational & conservation projects and to increase native plantings in our area.

The plants will be available to purchase in the cabin next to the parking lot.

Questions? Send an email to:

- Masks are optional for fully vaccinated participants. This could change if state or county COVID safety protection requirements change by the event date, e.g., masks become required for fully vaccinated people at an indoor event.
- We request that anyone who is not fully vaccinated wear a face mask covering both nose and mouth
- If you are feeling ill or have any symptoms of COVID or have been exposed to anyone who has COVID, please play it safe for everyone involved and do not attend.

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