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Sandhill Cranes on Migration

Event Type: Meeting
Program: Sandhill Cranes on Migration
Date: Wednesday, November 2, 2022
Time: 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: Matteson Public Library
Meeting Room C - take the elevator or stairs to the lower level 
Address: 801 School Avenue, Matteson, IL (map)

Sandhill crane migration will be in full swing come November. These majestic birds fly over our area each spring and fall during migration, and you can hear their trumpeting calls as they pass overhead.

Where are all those cranes going?

Forest Preserve District of Will County Naturalist Bob Bryerton will answer that question as well as share where you can view them in large numbers each fall. Bob's presentation will highlight the cranes’ fall migration, how and where to spot them, and their history in our area.

Note the new location: Meetings are at the Matteson Public Library since the Park Forest Library, where we previously met, now closes at 7:00 pm.

> COVID Precautions: We ask that everyone attending in-person meetings be FULLY VACCINATED. Masks are welcome but not required.

Everyone is welcome to attend this program!

The Library provides meeting room space as a community service; this Thorn Creek Audubon meeting is not sponsored or endorsed by the Matteson Area Public Library District.

October 22

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