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The Common Nighthawk

Event Type: Meeting
Speaker: Edward Warden
Date: Wednesday, April 2, 2025
Time: 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: Matteson Public Library
Meeting Room A - take the elevator or stairs to the lower level 
Address: 801 School Avenue, Matteson, IL (map)

Wielding arguably one of the coolest bird names, the Common Nighthawk is the seldom seen resident quietly saving summer nights in Chicago by devouring bugs from dusk till dawn. But this good neighbor is rapidly becoming less common in the skies of Chicago and no one really knows why. Join Thorn Creek Audubon for a program all about these mysterious birds: what makes them tick, why are they disappearing, and what's being done to save them right here in Chicagoland.

Edward Warden is a lifelong Chicago resident, birder, and urban naturalist. Over the last 20 years he has worked with organizations across the Chicago region to foster community and appreciation for the urban environment through stewardship, conservation action, social media, and interpretive programs. He currently serves as President of the Chicago Ornithological Society and works as the Stewardship Program Manager at the Chicago Park District.

Nightjars are a particular passion of his and he is the founder of the Chicago Nighthawk Project, a citizen science project launched in 2022 to help track and conserve them.

Everyone is welcome to attend this program!

The Library provides meeting room space as a community service; this Thorn Creek Audubon meeting is not sponsored or endorsed by the Matteson Area Public Library District.

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