Photos by Liz Schissler / EJ Shiss Photography
Event Type: Meeting
Program: Close Encounters of the Bird Kind
Speaker: Liz Schissler
Date: Thursday, May 16, 2024
Time: 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: Homewood Izaak Walton Preserve
Address: 1100 Ridge Road, Homewood, IL (map). Follow driveway to the right to Senior Hall
Join us for a joint meeting of Thorn Creek Audubon and Homewood Izaak Walton Preserve. Following a very short business meeting, Liz Schissler, manager and photographer for Wild Birds Unlimited in Palos Park, will discuss her beautiful and intimate bird portraits.
Photographic locations range from her backyard to the local woods, lakes, and grasslands. She will also provide tips on wildlife photography and technical advice.
> COVID Precautions: We ask that everyone attending in-person meetings be FULLY VACCINATED. Masks are welcome but not required.
Everyone is welcome to attend this program!