Event Type: Bird Walk
Date: Saturday, March 16
Time: 7:00 pm - 7:45 pm
Location: Governors State University
Address: 1 University Parkway, University Park, IL Map. Meet at Parking Lot East 3. Campus map.
The “peenting” call of the American Woodcock is a harbinger of spring to many people in our area. Join us as we listen for their calls at sunset. We will also be listening for the wing twittering sounds made during the flight displays of the male. As it will be sunset, we may not actually see any birds, but we will definitely hear them.
American Woodcocks like damp, soggy ground. Be sure to wear appropriate footwear.
If you’re not familiar with the distinct “peenting” call of a male woodcock announcing his presence to the ladies, check out this Youtube video > Listen to the Woodcock
Leader: Diane Hicks and Pat Andersen
Questions? Send an email to: thorncreekaudubon@gmail.com
COVID-19 Precautions: We ask that everyone attending be FULLY VACCINATED. Masks are welcome but not required.